HuggleHide Naturals tanned water buffalo knotted bone
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack
Close up of HuggleHide® Leather Bone with text
Size chart displaying Natural Huggle-Hide® bone dog toy silhouettes in small, medium, and large with approximate dimensions of each size compared to standard size deck of cards.
HuggleHide Naturals tanned water buffalo knotted bone Thumbnail
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack Thumbnail
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack Thumbnail
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack Thumbnail
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack Thumbnail
Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack Thumbnail
Close up of HuggleHide® Leather Bone with text
Size chart displaying Natural Huggle-Hide® bone dog toy silhouettes in small, medium, and large with approximate dimensions of each size compared to standard size deck of cards. Thumbnail

Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack


Available Sizes

The bone that other bones aspire to be!
Huggle-Hide® Bones are innovative bone-shaped chew toys that deliver hours of safe, all-natural satisfaction for those chew-obsessed pups. Made from tanned water buffalo with tanned cowhide in the middle and stuffed with cotton rope, these all-natural materials deliver all the satisfaction of synthetic rawhide using only natural sources. Select the 3-pack in your desired size—small, medium, or large!

Each small bone is approximately 5" long x 1.75" deep x 1.75" tall. (Rope inside is 9mm)

Each medium bone is approximately 6.5" long x 2.5" deep x 2.5" tall. (Rope inside is 16mm)

Each large bone is approximately 12" long x 3.25" deep x 3.25 tall. (Rope inside is 20mm)

SKU: Hugglehidebonelgkit

Check out Huggle-Hide® Natural Leather Bone Dog Toy, 3 Pack in the wild!
